PGS-V16 and PGS-V16-T
analog interconnect
PGS-V15-V16 is a significantly updated and improved version* of our acclaimed
"original" PGS.
The PGS V16 is thicker (larger in diameter) than before (i.e
PGS-08), making the V16 cables more robust, and reducing the
capacitance by approximately 20%.
The inside geometry is the same as before.
But the signal wire is different: a proprietary layered alloy
(gold-Molybdenum-Ruthenium), and the new PGS V16, while
retaining the original “sweet” sound (related to the gold
conductive material) - is now closer to “neutral” sound, as the
new allow mostly removes the coloration in the upper-treble,
which has been a single small drawback of the pure gold wire
used in the “original” PGS and the PGS-08.
The PGS-V16 cables have individual serial numbers.
The PGS-V16-T has a STEALTH tuning
collar**, the PGS V16 (without the "T") doesn't have that
Except for the tuning collar, the
V16 and the V16-T are identical. Shown below is the PGS-V16-T
with RCAs.
The RCA connectors for the PGS V16 and PGS V16-T are Rhodium
plated, with carbon locking collars.
The XLR connectors on the standard balanced PGS V16, and the
balanced PGS-V16-T are STEALTH-modified Neutriks with carbon
fiber backs and serial numbers;
STEALTH tuning collars on the PGS-V16-T
Based on numerous listening sessions with various equipment, a
STEALTH “T” cable with a tuning collar in the optimum
position, the overall result (sound) is better than with
the cable without the collar, BUT – with the collar in incorrect
position the sound is not as good as with a cable without the
The best sounding tuning collar position is different for every
two pieces of equipment which that cable connect, thus it is
impossible to point at the same spot (location) of the collar,
giving the same sound as without the collar.
Finding the best position of the collar is a lengthy process and
requires some time and patience. Usually two people are needed
(one is listening, and the other is moving the collar). It is
even better to have several people, and listen together.
So, usually, an evening, or even entire day can be dedicated to
finding the best collar position – for a particular audio
But the result is worth the effort!
In general, finding the best position of the sliding tuning
collar on a STEALTH audio cable is similar in effect to finding
the best position (location) of a pair of speakers in a room: an
audio system sounds MUCH better if the position of the speakers
in optimized, and the same audio system doesn’t sound good with
wrong (incorrect) position of a pair of speakers in a room.
The standard PGS V16 RCA retails for $1,300 in 1
meter, $560 per each extra meter (without the sliding collar).
The standard PGS V16 balanced XLR retails for
$1,660 in 1 meter, $740 per each extra meter (without the
sliding collar).
The PGS V16-T RCA retails for $1,900 in 1 meter, $560
per each extra meter
The PGS V16-T balanced XLR will retail for $2,260 in 1
meter, $740 per each extra meter
PGS version |
0.6 m |
0.75 m |
1 m |
1.5 m |
2 m |
Each add meter |
Pure 99.99% solid core Gold Signal
$1, 700
Pure 99.99% solid core Gold Signal
$1, 100
Why using gold while silver is more conductive?!!!
Well, there are several reasons:
- Unlike it is in the loudspeaker cables, in phono and line-level interconnects conductivity of the wires has not much to do with the sound quality - but oxidation, impurities, internal grain structure and GEOMETRY of the conductors have. Plus, some qualities of the dielectric used to insulate the wires ARE very important to the sound.
- Silver oxide IS highly conductive (unlike copper oxides) - but silver is easily polluted with Sulfur and - when "infected" by these other elements (from the outside air or from a contact with human skin) and when polluted, silver loses conductivity, uniformity and "plasticity". It's not a problem with thick silver wires or contact surface, but it IS a real problem with extremely thin wires or silver foil used in interconnects.
- According to "The Essex Echo" article by Malcolm Omar Hawksford (which is the ONLY classical and acknowledged article on the on audio cables sound theory: 10 or 12 printed pages that explain what sounds best and why using a lot of math) interconnects sound more "focused" and "extended" if they are made of a VERY thin wire: the thinner - the better, in fact. Clarity, resolution, bass tightness - everything is better with thin wire. Why? Because thin wire allows to "move" the skin effect out of the audible range and eliminate (or greatly reduce) the time smearing of audio signal - i.e. the time domain distortion subjectively perceived as excessive upper midrange "brightness" and "boomy" unfocused bass...
- However, thin wire is fragile. Plus - it is VERY difficult to make a very thin silver wire of high purity - since despite of using special measures, it gets terribly polluted in the production process. It is possible to get a chunk of silver of 7N (seven nines) purity (i.e. 99.99999 pure) - but when a thin wire is made of this silver, the wire will have only 99.9 purity or worse. It is close to impossible to make pure enough thin copper wire either. Plus, a very thin wire "ages" very quickly and becomes even more fragile with time.
- So, the wire must be VERY thin and VERY pure to sound good. But - it's close to impossible to make thin enough and pure enough silver (or copper) wire.
- Back to the dielectric. Vacuum is best. Air is almost as good. Teflon is best of solid dielectrics (because of the fast charge/discharge characteristics = less energy storage = better transient response). Foamed Teflon is better than solid Teflon (since it contains air bubbles). The more air - the better. But - how to protect our thin silver or copper wire if it 's surrounded by a lot of air?
- So - gold IS the solution - since it IS possible to make a high purity VERY thin gold wire. How thin? Approximately a half as thin as human hair :-) How pure? 99.99% or better (24 carat gold is only 99.9% pure). Plus gold is practically grainless, a properly made gold wire is considerably more uniform than silver or copper. And it stays that way...
The "original" PGS
PGS - "Pure Gold Signal": a single,
very thin (0.004" in diameter), 99.99% pure gold signal conductor, surrounded by porous Teflon® insulation, and a complex cross-wrapped
"return" (multiple thin strands).
PGS was beta-tested in 1999 and was in production since December 1999 until April
2002 (when it was replaced with the
After several years in production and several hundred opinions collected,
it became clear that the PGS is one of the most "refined" and "analog sounding" interconnect cables in existence. Note - the same as with copper and silver cables, not all gold cables sound the same! There is much more than just using pure gold wire in these cables...
Please check the latest reviews and customers'
feedback on the PGS interconnects.
Here are some quotes:
"...The (STEALTH PGS) wire is extremely transparent with good focus and detail...
The PGS interconnects do some things better than I have ever heard from another interconnect. Its midrange is liquid and provides the best reproduction of harmonic structure in this range that I have ever experienced - even with the Transparent Ultra XL..."
Greg Graff
"...The PGS is truly remarkable! I can't find words strong enough to convey my amazement at what it did for my sound. The sense of instruments blending together, yet each being separate and distinct, and of dynamics, with sounds jumping out at me but just in due measure, as they would in a live performance, was a source of great listening pleasure. This gold interconnect gave me the most involving music my stereo system has ever achieved. It too has a distinctive "voice", but I wouldn't call it light or dark, just beautifully balanced... Among all the STEALTH cables I've auditioned, the gold is the undisputed champion on detail. Any "softness" is simply a refusal to overemphasize highs. This gold interconnect also strikes me as handling transient decay better than any other I've used. This may be a key factor for realism and naturalness, as important as good handling of transient attack. The pleasing silence that closely follows a transient is unique in my listening experience.
Tom Patton,
...The PGS middle and upper range is very smooth and exquisitely detailed. Female voices sound especially lovely.
Eiichi Mimura, Tokyo Japan
"... My first impression of the STEALTH 99.99% GOLD interconnect cables was that they were very well made. Workmanship was first class! When plugged into my system, Wow! I could instantly notice the improvement in the vocal, i.e. more nuances and vividness..."
Kua Soo Chong
*We continuously improve our cables and connectors, and add improved and extra features to our products – as we design and test these improvements. The general sonic character of the
improved cable remains the same, it just becomes progressively better and better.
Eventually, with a number of improvements added, the cumulative effect of these improvements becomes significant – i.e. a cable works clearly, considerably better. At this point, we introduce a new revision to a cable model, which summarizes all improvements since the initial release of a particular model (or after the previous revision), making these improvements and features standard for the latest revision.
It’s worth noting that we keep our research and experimentation separate from production, i.e. All cable and connector changes are thoroughly tested before going into production. We never make changes just for the sake of making changes: All improvements that we introduce make perfect and clear sense from the engineering point of view, and are always tested sonically We make absolutely certain that these changes are an actual improvement (i.e. NOT a degradation in any area); we pride ourselves that – since 1999 up to date - no mistakes, errors, or wrong moves have been made or noted. Before adding any improvement, and especially releasing a new revision to any of our products, we always make absolutely certain that the latest revision is better than the previous in each and every respect – being it sonics, appearance, reliability or user convenience.
STEALTH tuning collars
Based on numerous listening sessions with various equipment, a
STEALTH “T” cable with a tuning collar in the optimum
position, the overall result (sound) is better than with
the cable without the collar, BUT – with the collar in incorrect
position the sound is not as good as with a cable without the
The best sounding tuning collar position is different for every
two pieces of equipment which that cable connect, thus it is
impossible to point at the same spot (location) of the collar,
giving the same sound as without the collar.
Finding the best position of the collar is a lengthy process and
requires some time and patience. Usually two people are needed
(one is listening, and the other is moving the collar). It is
even better to have several people, and listen together.
So, usually, an evening, or even entire day can be dedicated to
finding the best collar position – for a particular audio
But the result is worth the effort!
In general, finding the best position of the sliding tuning
collar on a STEALTH audio cable is similar in effect to finding
the best position (location) of a pair of speakers in a room: an
audio system sounds MUCH better if the position of the speakers
in optimized, and the same audio system doesn’t sound good with
wrong (incorrect) position of a pair of speakers in a room.
On the PGS-V16-T cable, start with the collar positioned some 8
inches from the SOURCE end, and slide in ½ inch increments and
listen at every position. Usually, it takes about one hour to find the best
position. - ST